Before there was a Thomas Ford Library

In 1925, eighty-five Western Springs residents decided the town needed a free public library. So they petitioned the County to place the issue before local voters. Since the early 1920s, Western Springs residents had discussed the pros and cons of forming a free public library. And, in a 1925 village-wide

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Downtown Western Springs … 50+ Years Ago

Even if you’ve lived in the village all your life, you may be surprised to see some of the ways our downtown has changed. While Western Springs has always been known for its quaint downtown, it has still changed dramatically during the past 50 years. As shown in the photo

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How the Ridge Acres Subdivision Got Its Name

Ridge Acres is one of Western Springs’ largest neighborhoods. Yet, few know its history or the origin of its name. In 1885, Marshall Field, the founder of Marshall Field & Company, purchased most of the land that now comprises Ridge Acres subdivision, as well as the property directly north, now

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The Forest Hills Subdivision You Never Knew

Residents of Western Springs’ Forest Hills subdivision are justly proud of their neighborhood. But, it was a long time coming. In 1923, George Bruckert, a realtor and developer, envisioned a community of fine homes south of 47th Street and west of Wolf Road. Central to his plan were large lots

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What’s That Small Railroad Building on Stilts?

When Western Springs built its current railroad station in 2005, the plan was to recreate a little bit of the past. But, the architects didn’t stop with just the station. In 1891, Western Springs built a “permanent” railroad station to replace an earlier wood structure that had burned to the

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The Battle Against Paved Streets

In 1967, most residents of Western Springs’ Field Park were opposed to letting the Village pave their streets. Especially since they’d have to foot the bill. Roughly one-fifth of Western Springs’ residents live in the Field Park area. Most of them never think twice about which street to take on

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Forgotten Western Springs: The Wolf Road Garage

In 1920, Western Springs was home to just 1,258 residents and 100 automobiles.  But, who could someone call for a tow or flat tire? In 1920, Wolf Road in Western Springs was just an unpaved dirt street. The most common vehicles were still horse-drawn wagons and buggies. But, Fred Tiedt

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A Nautical Supply Store in Western Springs?

You might think that land-locked Western Springs would be the last place to find a store for boat owners.  But, in 1965, you would have been wrong. Since Western Springs is roughly 20 miles from Lake Michigan and has no navigable waterways within its village limits, one could assume that

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Ogden Avenue … Street with a Real History

Few Western Springs roads can boast as much history as Ogden Avenue, which was originally developed by Native Americans and continues in use to this day. The next time you’re driving along Ogden Avenue, try to envision what the road looked like in the 1700s. In those days, it was

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Western Springs… First in Space?

In 1962, the United States launched Telstar, the first communications satellite, into space. And, just a few days later, Western Springs was invited to converse with its sister city in England via the brand new satellite. It was a very different world just 51 years ago. There were no touch-tone

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